Bruce Morimoto

Company: Fuku Biotech
Job title: Head, Drug Development
Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Conference 4:00 pm
day: Conference Day Two PM
Roundtable Discussion: Factoring Commercial Strategy into Clinical Trial Design & Decision Making 2:00 pm
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. When is the right time to start thinking about commercialization and building up the infrastructure? How might the approach and strategy need to be adjusted for launching the drug in US markets vs international markets? How…Read more
day: Conference Day Two - Track Three
Chair: 10:45 am
day: Conference Day Two - Track Three
Roundtable Discussion: Discussing the Promises & Challenges of Elevating Neurodegenerative Therapeutics with a Combination Approach 2:10 pm
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. Are there opportunities to enhance therapies in phase I/II by combining with another treatment to improve them? What regulatory hurdles might arise when demonstrating the additional risks or benefits of a combination therapy? How can we…Read more
day: Conference Day One - Track Three
Chair’s Closing Remarks 5:15 pm
day: Conference Day One PM