Bruce Morimoto

Company: Fuku Biotech
Job title: Head, Drug Development
Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Conference 5:00 pm
day: Conference Day Two PM
Chair: 10:45 am
day: Conference Day Two - Track Three
Roundtable Discussion: Discussing the Promises & Challenges of Elevating Neurodegenerative Therapeutics with a Combination Approach 2:10 pm
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. Are there opportunities to enhance therapies in phase I/II by combining with another treatment to improve them? What regulatory hurdles might arise when demonstrating the additional risks or benefits of a combination therapy? How can we…Read more
day: Conference Day One - Track Three
Chair’s Closing Remarks 5:15 pm
day: Conference Day One PM
Chair: 10:45 am
day: Conference Day One - Track Three