Luis Oliveira

Company: Michael J. Fox Foundation
Job title: Senior Associate Director, Research Programs
Panel Discussion: Exploring Opportunities in Alpha-Synuclein & Beyond for More Transformative & Efficacious Therapies: What’s Coming Next in Parkinson’s Drug Development? 4:30 pm
Overview of trehalose and its effects as a modulator of autophagy Pharmacokinetics and brain penetration of trehalose in rodents and non-human primates Lowering the therapeutic dose of trehalose and moving into clinical developmentRead more
day: Conference Day One PM
Outlining Current Progress in Validating the Alpha-Synuclein Seed Amplification Assay & Progress in Measuring Alpha-Synuclein in Less Invasive Fluids 11:30 am
Elevating the current use of the alpha-synuclein seeding assay Exploring approaches being developed to eventually detect and isolate the seeds from plasma, including antibody enrichment and extracellular vesicle isolation Investigating strategies to quantify the assayRead more
day: Pre-Conference Day
Panel Discussion: What Other Fluid Biomarkers Are Being Investigated for Parkinson’s Disease Outside of Protein Aggregation & Alpha-Synuclein? 2:00 pm
Is there an aspect of the disease pathophysiology that can be captured in a broad panel and recapitulated across genetically associated PD, idiopathic PD, and others? Have there been attempts to develop an inflammatory biomarker with relative consistency across PD populations? Even at the prodromal phase, have there been advancements to develop a marker that…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day