Malú Tansey
Company: University of Florida
Job title: Director of the Center for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease
Panel Discussion: What is Still Not Understood About the Role of Inflammation in Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s? 12:00 pm
How can we overcome cross-model differences in neuroinflammation to develop more translatable targets? What are the latest understandings of the roles of microglia and astrocytes in AD and PD pathology? What is still unknown? What is currently understood from preclinical studies about the possible peripheral immune component?Read more
day: Conference Day Two - Track Two
Addressing the Underlying Mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease: Directions for Biologically Driven Target Innovation 1:30 pm
Deepening knowledge of the biological origins of Parkinson’s disease Exploring approaches to leverage the biological causes of Parkinson’s to develop targets beyond alpha-synucleinRead more
day: Conference Day One - Track One
Panel Discussion: Exploring Opportunities in Alpha-Synuclein & Beyond for More Transformative & Efficacious Therapies: What’s Coming Next in Parkinson’s Drug Development? 4:30 pm
Taking learnings from targeting amyloid plaques, what is the rationale for targeting synuclein fibrils? What are the promising PD targets beyond alpha-synuclein? What can we expect to see in the next few years? What are the latest advancements in diagnostic tools like alpha-synuclein PET tracers and what potential do these hold? What are the earlier…Read more
day: Conference Day One PM