Xavier Langlois

Xavier Langlois

Company: Abbvie

Job title: Head of Tau Pathobiology & Research Fellow


Discovering an Anti-Tau Antibody to Target Toxic Extracellular Tau Species in the Clinic 1:30 pm

Demonstrating ability to prevent tau propagation in vivo Rationale for targeting extracellular vs intracellular species of tau Future directions for moving this compound into the clinicRead more

day: Conference Day One - Track Two

Panel Discussion: Evaluating Anti-Tau Programs Emerging in the Clinic & Debating the Most Promising Approaches 2:00 pm

Do longitudinal changes in tau correlate to longitudinal changes in cognition and function? How well does CSF tau correlate with tau PET? What are the advantages of targeting intracellular vs extracellular tau species? What are the side effects associated with this? Does targeting a different part of the tau protein make a difference?Read more

day: Conference Day One - Track Two

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